Occam’s Razor/Ockham’s Razor
Occam’s razor (also spelled Ockham’s razor ) is a law of parsimony: the principle gives precedence to simplicity; of two competing theories, the simplest explanation of an entity is to be preferred. The principle is also expressed as ‘Entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity’.
There is no free lunch (Wolpert 1996) for Occam’s razor, so it can not be proved from first principles.
However, if when choosing priors, one applies the ‘principle of insufficient reason’ to models (such as ax + b ), rather than functions (such as 3x + 4), then Bayesian inference inherently prefers simpler models because the likelihood, P(data|hypothesis), of more complex models is more spread out.
For example, suppose that I throw n dice and tell you that the spots sum to 3. How many dice did I throw? P(3 spots|1 dice) = 1/6 = 0.1667, P(3 spots|2 dice) = 2×(1/6)×(1/6) = 0.0556, P(3 spots|3 dice) = (1/6)×(1/6)×(1/6) = 0.0046. Plugging this into Bayes formula shows that, even with equal priors, the simpler model (one die) is to be preferred.
Top 10 Papers
BLUMER, A., et al. , 1987. Occam's Razor . Information Processing Letters. [Cited by 465 ] (21.71/year)
JEFFERYS, W. and J. BERGER, 1992. Ockham's razor and Bayesian analysis(statistical theory for systems evaluation). American Scientist. [Cited by 134 ] (8.16/year)
FORD, A.P., et al. , 1994. Alpha 1-adrenoceptor classification: sharpening Occam's razor. . Trends Pharmacol Sci. [Cited by 157 ] (10.89/year)
GLIICK, R. and A.V. KLIMOV, Static Analysis. Proceedings. Occam's razor in metacomputation: the notion of a perfect process tree . [Cited by 91 ] (?/year)
DOMINGOS, P., 1999. The Role of Occam's Razor in Knowledge Discovery . Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. [Cited by 128 ] (13.59/year)
MURPHY, P.M. and M.J. PAZZANI, 1997. Exploring the Decision Forest: An Empirical Investigation of Occam's Razor in Decision Tree … . Computational Learning Theory and Natural Learning Systems. [Cited by 102 ] (8.93/year)
WEBB, G.I., 1996. Further Experimental Evidence against the Utility of Occam's Razor . Arxiv preprint cs.AI/9605101. [Cited by 81 ] (6.52/year)
BALASUBRAMANIAN, V., 1997. Statistical Inference, Occam's Razor, and Statistical Mechanics on the Space of Probability … . Neural Computation. [Cited by 88 ] (7.71/year)
ZHANG, B.T. and H. MUEHLENBEIN, 1993. Evolving Optimal Neural Networks Using Genetic Algorithms with Occam's Razor . COMPLEX SYSTEMS-CHAMPAIGN-. [Cited by 64 ] (4.15/year)
HOLLAND, M.A., 1997. Occam's Razor Applied to Hormonology (Are Cytokinins Produced by Plants?) . Plant Physiology. [Cited by 61 ] (5.34/year)
ALLEN, P.B., 1989. Occam's razor and holy grails . Nature. [Cited by 8 ] (0.41/year)
ANDERSON, D.L., 2002. Occam's Razor: Simplicity, Complexity, and Global Geodynamics . PROCEEDINGS-AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. [Cited by 3 ] (0.47/year)
ANDREWS, P.J., 2005. Pressure, flow and Occam's Razor: a matter of" steal"? . Intensive Care Med. [Cited by 5 ] (1.46/year)
ARIEW, R., 1976. Ockham's Razor: A Historical and Philosophical Analysis of Ockham's Principle of Parsimony. [Cited by 9 ] (0.28/year)
BALASUBRAMANIAN, V., 1997. Statistical Inference, Occam's Razor, and Statistical Mechanics on the Space of Probability … . Neural Computation. [Cited by 88 ] (7.71/year)
BARNES, E.C., 2000. Ockham's Razor and the Anti-Superfluity Principle . Erkenntnis. [Cited by 4 ] (0.48/year)
BENSUSAN, H., 1994. God doesn't always shave with Occam's razor learning when and how to prune . New Scientist. [Cited by 32 ] (2.22/year)
BERGER, J.O. and W.H. JEFFERYS, 1992. The application of robust Bayesian analysis to hypothesis testing and Occam's Razor . Statistical Methods and Applications. [Cited by 4 ] (0.24/year)
BLUMER, A. and A. EHRENFEUCHT, 1987. D. Haussler, M. Warmuth," Occam's Razor. Information Processing Letters. [Cited by 7 ] (0.33/year)
BLUMER, A., et al. , 1987. Occam's Razor . Information Processing Letters. [Cited by 465 ] (21.71/year)
BLUMER, A.E. and A. HAUSSLER, D. and Warmuth, MK 1987. Occam's razor. Information Processing Letters. [Cited by 4 ] (?/year)
BOGLE, J.C., 1991. INVESTING IN THE 1990s: OCCAM'S RAZOR REVISITED . Journal of Portfolio Management. [Cited by 17 ] (0.98/year)
BOWEN, J.P. and P.T. BREUER, Proc. TOULOUSE. Occam's Razor: The Cutting Edge of Parser Technology . [Cited by 7 ] (?/year)
BOWER, E.M., 1969. Slicing the mystique of prevention with Occam's Razor. . American Journal of Public Health. [Cited by 7 ] (0.18/year)
BRETTHORST, G.L., 1996. AN INTRODUCTION TO MODEL SELECTION USING PROBABILITY THEORY AS LOGIC . Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods: Santa Barbara, …. [Cited by 19 ] (1.53/year)
BURGESS, J., 1998. Occam's Razor and Scientific Method . 1998. [Cited by 8 ] (0.77/year)
CLERICI, M. and G.M. SHEARER, 1995. An Occam's razor approach to the immunopathogenesis of HIV infection. . AIDS. [Cited by 3 ] (0.22/year)
CONACHER, I.D., 2000. Time to apply Occam's razor to failure of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction during one-lung …. Br J Anaesth. [Cited by 7 ] (0.83/year)
DEL, J., 1996. We Still Invoke Friction and Occam's Razor to Explain Catch in the Spines of Eucidaris tribuloides . The Biological Bulletin. [Cited by 6 ] (0.48/year)
DOMINGO, C., T. TSUKIJI and O. WATANABE, 1997. Partial Occam's Razor and its applications . Information Processing Letters. [Cited by 4 ] (0.35/year)
DOMINGOS, P., 1999. The Role of Occam's Razor in Knowledge Discovery . Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. [Cited by 128 ] (13.59/year)
DRACHMAN, D.A., 2000. Occam's Razor, Geriatric Syndromes, and the Dizzy Patient . Annals of Internal Medicine. [Cited by 14 ] (1.66/year)
DUNBAR, M.J., 1980. The blunting of Occam's Razor, or to hell with parsimony. Can. J. Zool. [Cited by 15 ] (0.53/year)
EISNER, D.A. and A.W. TRAFFORD, 2002. Heart Failure and the Ryanodine Receptor Does Occam's Razor Rule? . Circulation Research. [Cited by 14 ] (2.18/year)
FELIPE, J. and J.S.L. MCCOMBIE, 2001. The CES Production Function, the accounting identity, and Occam's razor . Applied Economics. [Cited by 19 ] (2.56/year)
FISCHER, R., W. VON and V. DOSE, 1996. Adaptive kernels and occam's razor in inversion problems," . MAXENT96-Proceedings of the Maximum Entropy Conference. [Cited by 7 ] (0.56/year)
FORD, A.P., et al. , 1994. Alpha 1-adrenoceptor classification: sharpening Occam's razor. . Trends Pharmacol Sci. [Cited by 157 ] (10.89/year)
FORREST, P., 1982. « Occam's Razor and Possible Worlds». Monist. [Cited by 4 ] (0.15/year)
GAMBERGER, D. and N. LAVRAC, 1997. Conditions for Occam's Razor Applicability and Noise Elimination . LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. [Cited by 24 ] (2.10/year)
GARRETT, A., 1991. Ockham's razor,". Physics World. [Cited by 11 ] (0.63/year)
GEDO, J.E., 1991. Between Prolixity and Reductionism: Psychoanalytic Theory and Occam's Razor . Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. [Cited by 10 ] (0.57/year)
GLIICK, R. and A.V. KLIMOV, Static Analysis. Proceedings. Occam's razor in metacomputation: the notion of a perfect process tree . [Cited by 91 ] (?/year)
GOLDSTEIN, B.D., 1989. Introduction: Occam's razor is dull. Environ Health Perspect. [Cited by 14 ] (0.72/year)
GOLDSTEIN, B.D., 1989. Occam's razor is dull. Environ Health Perspect. [Cited by 3 ] (0.15/year)
GOMES, M.E.R., et al. , 2003. Occam's razor; anaemia and orthostatic hypotension . The Lancet. [Cited by 4 ] (0.74/year)
HEYLIGHEN, F., 1997. Occam's Razor. Principia Cybernetica Web. [Cited by 17 ] (1.49/year)
HILLIARD, A.A., et al. , 2004. Occam's Razor versus Saint's Triad . New England Journal of Medicine. [Cited by 11 ] (2.49/year)
HOLLAND, M.A., 1997. Occam's Razor Applied to Hormonology (Are Cytokinins Produced by Plants?) . Plant Physiology. [Cited by 61 ] (5.34/year)
HOLSINGER, K., 1981. Comment: the Blunting of Occam's Razor. Canadian Journal of Zoology. [Cited by 3 ] (0.11/year)
JEFFERYS, W. and J. BERGER, 1992. Ockham's razor and Bayesian analysis(statistical theory for systems evaluation). American Scientist. [Cited by 134 ] (8.16/year)
JEFFERYS, W.H. and J.O. BERGER, 1991. Sharpening Occam's Razor on a Bayesian strop. . Bull. Am. Astron. Soc.,. [Cited by 6 ] (0.34/year)
KAPLAN, P. and T.K. BAUMILLER, 2001. A Misuse of Occam's Razor That Trims More Than Just the Fat . Palaios. [Cited by 4 ] (0.54/year)
KELLY, K.T., 2004. Justification as Truth-Finding Efficiency: How Ockham's Razor Works . Minds and Machines. [Cited by 11 ] (2.49/year)
KLUGE, A.G., 2005. What is the rationale for'Ockham's razor'(aka parsimony) in phylogenetic inference? . Parsimony, Phylogeny, and Genomics. [Cited by 10 ] (2.92/year)
KUPPERMANN, N. and N. WILLITS, 2000. In Response to HStatistical Models and Occam's Razor” . Academic Emergency Medicine. [Cited by 3 ] (0.36/year)
LAKHTAKIA, A. and W.S. WEIGLHOFER, 1996. Lorentz covariance, Occam's razor, and a constraint on linear constitutive relations . Physics Letters A. [Cited by 32 ] (2.58/year)
LARSON, L.L., J.G. HUNT and R.N. OSBORN, 1976. The great hi-hi leader behavior myth: A lesson from Occam's razor. Academy of Management Journal. [Cited by 32 ] (0.99/year)
LI, C.Z., K.G. LöFGREN and M.L. WEITZMAN, 2001. Harvesting versus Biodiversity: An Occam's Razor Version . Environmental and Resource Economics. [Cited by 5 ] (0.67/year)
LI, M., J. TROMP and P. VITáNYI, 2003. Sharpening Occam's razor . Information Processing Letters. [Cited by 7 ] (1.29/year)
LIVIO, M., 1993. Blue Stragglers: The Failure of Occam's Razor? . Blue Stragglers. ASP Conference Series. [Cited by 9 ] (0.58/year)
MA, R. and C. LAMBERT, 1998. In Praise of Occam's Razor: A Critique of the Decomposition Approach in IAS 32 to Accounting for …. ACCOUNTING AND BUSINESS RESEARCH. [Cited by 5 ] (0.48/year)
MACKAY, D.J.C., 2003. Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms . books.google.com. [Cited by 1228 ] (226.62/year)
MAGUEIJO, J. and R.D. SORKIN, 2007. Occam's razor meets WMAP . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters. [Cited by 12 ] (8.46/year)
MENGER, K., 1960. A counterpart of Occam's razor in pure and applied mathematics ontological uses . Synthese. [Cited by 6 ] (0.12/year)
MERRETT, S., J.A. ALLAN and C. LANT, 2003. Virtual water and occam's razor. Commentary . Water international. [Cited by 13 ] (2.40/year)
MILES, D., 1979. The Finger Knife and Ockham's Razor: A Problem in Asian Culture History and Economic Anthropology . American Ethnologist. [Cited by 7 ] (0.24/year)
MOKADY, O., 1996. Occam's Razor, invertebrate allorecognition and Ig superfamily evolution . Research in Immunology. [Cited by 3 ] (0.24/year)
MURPHY, P.M. and M.J. PAZZANI, 1997. Exploring the Decision Forest: An Empirical Investigation of Occam's Razor in Decision Tree … . Computational Learning Theory and Natural Learning Systems. [Cited by 102 ] (8.93/year)
MYUNG, I.J., n, 6. Pitt, MA (1997). Applying Occam's razor in modeling cognition: A Bayesian approach. Psychonomic Bulle. [Cited by 9 ] (?/year)
NATARAJAN, B., 2000. On Learning Functions from Noise-Free and Noisy Samples via Occam's Razor . SIAM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING. [Cited by 5 ] (0.59/year)
NATARAJAN, B.K., 1993. Occam's razor for functions . Proceedings of the sixth annual conference on Computational …. [Cited by 18 ] (1.17/year)
NORDIN, P., W. BANZHAF and F.D. FRANCONE, 1997. Introns in nature and in simulated structure evolution . Bio-Computation and Emergent Computation, Skovde, Sweden. [Cited by 25 ] (2.19/year)
PAUL, S., 1998. Autoantibody Catalysis: No Longer Hostage to Occam's Razor . Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. [Cited by 7 ] (0.67/year)
PAULY, D., 1994. Resharpening Ockham's razor. Naga, the ICLARM Quarterly. [Cited by 4 ] (0.28/year)
PLOCH, S., 2003. M eta theoretical problems in phonology with Occam's Razor and non-ad-hoc-ness. Living on the Edge: 28 Papers in Honour of Jonathan Kaye. [Cited by 6 ] (1.11/year)
REID, J.D., 1987. The Theory of Sharecropping: Occam's Razor and Economic Analysis. History of Political Economy. [Cited by 4 ] (0.19/year)
RICKETTS, W. and E.M. FORSTER, 1985. Biological Research on Homosexuality: Ansell's Cow or Occam's Razor? . Gay Personality and Sexual Labeling. [Cited by 17 ] (0.73/year)
ROTHMAN, K.J., 1978. OCCAM'S RAZOR PARES THE CHOICE AMONG STATISTICAL MODELS . American Journal of Epidemiology. [Cited by 14 ] (0.46/year)
RUBIN, H., 1969. OCCAM'S RAZOR NEEDS NEW BLADES . [Cited by 3 ] (0.08/year)
SAPIRA, J.D., 1991. ON VIOLATING OCCAM'S RAZOR. . Southern Medical Journal. [Cited by 6 ] (0.34/year)
SCHWARTZ, M.M., 1993. IMMUNOTACTOID GLOMERULOPATHY: THE CASE FOR OCCAM'S RAZOR . American journal of kidney diseases. [Cited by 15 ] (0.97/year)
SCHWARZ, N., 2006. Attitude Research: Between Ockham's Razor and the Fundamental Attribution Error . Journal of Consumer Research. [Cited by 8 ] (3.31/year)
SEGEN, J., 1988. Conceptual Clumping of Binary Vectors with Occam's Razor. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Machine …. [Cited by 3 ] (0.15/year)
SHEA, T.B. and J. YABE, 2000. Occam's Razor Slices Through the Mysteries of Neurofilament Axonal Transport: Can it Really be so … . Traffic. [Cited by 13 ] (1.54/year)
SIMON, G.L. and J.C. RIOS, 1984. Ockham's razor revisited. Arch Intern Med. [Cited by 3 ] (0.12/year)
SINCLAIR, T.R. and R.C. MUCHOW, 1999. Occam's Razor, radiation-use efficiency, and vapor pressure deficit . Field Crops Research. [Cited by 12 ] (1.27/year)
SMITH, T.F., 1980. Occam's razor . Nature. [Cited by 6 ] (0.21/year)
SNYDER, C.R., 1997. Control and the Application of Occam's Razor to Terror Management Theory . Psychological Inquiry. [Cited by 3 ] (0.26/year)
SOBER, E., 2006. Let's Razor Ockham's Razor . Philosophy of Science: An Anthology. [Cited by 34 ] (14.06/year)
SOKLAKOV, A.N., 2002. Occam's Razor as a Formal Basis for a Physical Theory . Foundations of Physics Letters. [Cited by 6 ] (0.93/year)
SORKIN, R., 1983. A quantitative occam's razor . International Journal of Theoretical Physics. [Cited by 19 ] (0.75/year)
SPITZER, A.L., et al. , 2006. Applying Ockham's Razor to Pancreatitis Prognostication: A Four-Variable Predictive Model. . Annals of Surgery. [Cited by 9 ] (3.72/year)
STANDISH, R.K., 2004. Why Occam's Razor . Foundations of Physics Letters. [Cited by 8 ] (1.81/year)
THODBERG, H.H., 1991. Improving generalization of neural networks through pruning . International Journal of Neural Systems. [Cited by 55 ] (3.16/year)
THORBURN, W.M., 1918. The Myth of Occam's Razor. JSTOR. [Cited by 49 ] (0.54/year)
THORBURN, W.M., 1918. The Myth of Ockham's Razor'. Mind. [Cited by 3 ] (0.03/year)
VANDERSLICE, R., 1970. Occam's Razor and the So-Called Stress Cycle. Language Sciences. [Cited by 4 ] (0.10/year)
WEARS, R.L. and R.J. LEWIS, 1999. Statistical Models and Occam's Razor . Academic Emergency Medicine. [Cited by 9 ] (0.96/year)
WEBB, G., 1996. … complexity is not predictive of predictive accuracy: Experimental evidence against Occam's razor. in Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. [Cited by 3 ] (0.24/year)
WEBB, G.I., 1996. Further Experimental Evidence against the Utility of Occam's Razor . Arxiv preprint cs.AI/9605101. [Cited by 81 ] (6.52/year)
WEBB, G.I. and D.E.A.K.I.N. UNIVERSITY, 1994. Generality is More Significant Than Complexity: Toward an Alternative to Occam's Razor . [Cited by 11 ] (0.76/year)
WOLPERT, D.H., 1990. The relationship between Occam's razor and convergent guessing . Complex Systems. [Cited by 23 ] (1.25/year)
YANG, Z., et al. , 2003. Improving the Classification Performance of Boolean Kernels by Applying Occam's Razor. The 2nd International Conference on Computational …. [Cited by 3 ] (0.55/year)
ZHANG, B.T., 1994. Effects of Occam's Razor in Evolving Sigma-Pi Neural Nets . LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. [Cited by 4 ] (0.28/year)
ZHANG, B.T. and H. MUEHLENBEIN, 1993. Evolving Optimal Neural Networks Using Genetic Algorithms with Occam's Razor . COMPLEX SYSTEMS-CHAMPAIGN-. [Cited by 64 ] (4.15/year)
ZHANG, B.T. and H. MüHLENBEIN, 1993. Genetic Programming of Minimal Neural Nets Using Occam's Razor . Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Genetic …. [Cited by 45 ] (2.92/year)
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